Tibco 6 domain creation and application deployment
Once the admin server is configured and started properly you can access the interface as following to see how to start the administrator server follow the post Starting administrator server
The url to admin server is
Click on the Business works 6.x product and create a domain
The domain is created
Click the AppSpace in Dev domain and create a new AppSpace
The DevAppSpace is created in “Degraded” status because there is no AppNode yet added
Now create a AppNode make sure the port 8070 is available each app node must have a unique port
An app node is created successfully in stopped status
No start the App space it will go into running status
In application archives upload the application (to see how to create a Tibco 6 application see the post Create Tibco 6 application)
Select the uploaded application and click deploy select the created app space and check start application and finally deploy
On success the application will go in running status
Test that the web service created in is running.